If you’ve travelled a lot, you may have brought too much junk on your trips from time-to-time. Especially when packing for a few weeks or more. Sometimes it can be difficult to know what to bring, and what to leave at home. Here’s a few general guidelines I like to follow when I am travelling. I hope that you can find a helpful trick or two!
Pack for a Week
This is a trick I picked up after countless vacations that I brought too much stuff. Think about what you use during your week, and realistically put back anything that you don’t use. If you don’t straighten your hair daily, are you really going to pick up the habit on vacation?
Once you’ve determined what you normally use then you are ready to think about what you’ll need for the trip. Are you going to an ocean-side resort? You’ll likely want a bathing suit, sunscreen, beach cover, and sandals. Shopping and exploring the city? Comfortable walking shoes, change for transit, and a day bag may be appropriate.
Don’t Over-Complicate It
Chances are, if you are leaving for awhile, you might forget something. That’s okay! If you have your essentials and you forget your toothbrush or sandals you will likely be able to find them somewhere nearby where you’re staying. If you’re travelling overseas there will still be opportunities to pick up supplies there, too. Don’t sweat it!
Plan to Do Errands
When you’re at home there’s regular chores and errands to keep progressing forward, the same general rules apply when you are travelling. You may need to go to the laundromat once or twice a week or go to pick up hygiene products.
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